The dictator Kagame at UN

The dictator Kagame at UN
Dictators like Kagame who have changed their national constitutions to remain indefinitely on power should not be involved in UN high level and global activities including chairing UN meetings

Why has the UN ignored its own report about the massacres of Hutu refugees in DRC ?

The UN has ignored its own reports, NGOs and media reports about the massacres of hundreds of thousands of Hutu in DRC Congo (estimated to be more than 400,000) by Kagame when he attacked Hutu refugee camps in Eastern DRC in 1996. This barbaric killings and human rights violations were perpetrated by Kagame’s RPF with the approval of UK and USA and with sympathetic understanding and knowledge of UNHCR and international NGOs which were operating in the refugees camps. According to the UN, NGO and media reports between 1993 and 2003 women and girls were raped. Men slaughtered. Refugees killed with machetes and sticks. The attacks of refugees also prevented humanitarian organisations to help many other refugees and were forced to die from cholera and other diseases. Other refugees who tried to return to Rwanda where killed on their way by RFI and did not reach their homes. No media, no UNHCR, no NGO were there to witness these massacres. When Kagame plans to kill, he makes sure no NGO and no media are prevent. Kagame always kills at night.

President Obama's Visit And Africa's Second Uhuru

Posted: 07/22/2015 3:08 
[Open Letter To President Obama]
Dear Mr. President,
Your trip to Africa this week presents a legacy-defining opportunity.
President George W. Bush is remembered for the billions of dollars he made available to fight HIV/Aids; a program which has continued under your administration.
Bill Clinton, while decried for allowing genocide in Rwanda, is also hailed for the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), the preferential trade deal that allows some duty free exports from participating African countries to the U.S.; this program was also recently renewed by Congress under your administration.
Mr. President, you initiated the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit which can become a transformative forum for increased business interaction and trade between the U.S. and Africa; and through the Young African Leaders Initiative, you've provided fellowship opportunities that brings 500 young Africans to study in the U.S.
Mr. President, you can even help Africans with something much more enduring; which is to win their second independence or Uhuru. You can do so by committing the U.S. to ending its support to African autocrats.
Africa's first liberation was from European colonial oppression and exploitation.
The second struggle, which many Africans have been engaged in since the end of colonial regimes, is freedom from the tyranny of many of their rulers, some of whom are supported by the United States.
Mr. President, you were spot on in 2009 when you spoke about the need for accountable governance in Africa.
Addressing the entire continent from the floor of Ghana's Parliament, in Accra, you said the days of "big men," or dictators, in Africa were over. You said the continent needed enduring institutions of democratic governance that would allow a young generation of Africans to emerge and "unlock Africa's potential."
You said countries that thrived best were the ones whose citizens were "governed by consent and not coercion." You deplored leaders who changed constitutions to perpetuate their regimes. Autocracy and lack of accountability promotes corruption including: embezzlement of billions of dollars in state resources; and the degradation of institutions of governance, law and order, such as the courts and the police forces.
Mr. President I was one of the millions of Africans and friends of Africa around the world elated by your words.
Yet the rhetoric has often not been matched by the reality in terms of U.S. actions.
For too long, many African countries have not been able to benefit from the continent's vast resources because they have not been allowed to function normally by the ruling elite.
A young African student generally can't hope to attend school, apply herself or himself diligently, eventually graduate, and then secure decent employment and raise a family.
This is because, in far too many countries, the individual autocrats are in essence the state itself.
Rather than merit-based rewards, benefits are dished out based on the whims of, and loyalty to, a dictator, his relatives, and the inner ruling-circle. Under such circumstances, corruption becomes the way of life; not an abnormality.
Take a country like Uganda, where it's dictator of the last 30 years, Gen. Yoweri Museveni, has to sign off on almost everything. This ranges from massive expenditures such as the purchase of multi-million dollar jets for his airforce or the$48 million Gulfstream V jet he purchased for his personal use in 2009, to, personally awarding scholarships to Ugandans to study overseas. Gen. Museveni insists that scholarship recipients come from Western Uganda, where he hails from.
Gen. Museveni runs Uganda like a personal family estate much like how King Leopold II of the Belgians once operated the Congo; with no accountability whatsoever.
He tolerates no opposition; recently, he arrested the country's best known pro-democracy leader, Dr. Kizza Besigye before he could address a rally of his supporters. He also arrested Amama Mbabazi, who until last year was his own prime minister. Mbabazi was fired when he indicated he would run against his boss in elections scheduled for next year. Mbabazi has been barred from even "aspiring" for the presidency and addressing supporters.
Mr. President, Gen. Museveni also uses Uganda's U.S.-trained and -equipped armed forces like his own personal militias. The Special Forces Group is commanded by his son, Brigadier Muhozi Kainerugaba a presumed presidential heir; the task is to protect the president and high value installations like oil fields and mines.
As for the regular army, Gen. Museveni has ordered the invasion of the Democratic Republic of the Congo numerous times. In 2005, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) found Uganda liable of what amounted to war crimes by its military in the Congo; mass rapes, massacres, and plunder of resources. Uganda was ordered to pay reparations of between $6 - $10 billion which has not been paid. The International Criminal Court (ICC) also launched a separate investigation into the alleged crimes, as reported in The Wall Street Journal on June 8, 2006.
Mr. President, Gen. Museveni, who removed term limits in 2005, plans to run again next year. He's rejected the opposition parties' demands that his hand-picked election commission be replaced with an independent one; in truth, he can only "win" by rigging. The opposition groups in turn vow mass civil disobedience unless there are electoral reforms; the potential for civil strife is ripe if the dictator rejects the popular demands.
Yet the U.S. remains one of the Museveni regime's key supporters.
It's true that Uganda has stationed thousands of troops in Somalia to help combat al-Shabab, the militia which has claimed several acts of terrorism throughout East Africa; but, as Dr. Besigye pointed out during a New York visit last month, Uganda, would continue supporting the fight against terrorism and that it isn't predicated on sustaining a dictatorial regime.
Mr. President there are many other trouble spots on the continent.
In Rwanda, Paul Kagame, once incorrectly hailed as the country's liberator, has finally revealed his true colors. Kagame has locked up, indefinitely, a leading opposition leader Victoire Umohoza Ingabire.
Her sin was simply stating that Rwanda can only reconcile if it acknowledges that both Tutsis and Hutus were victims of the 1994 massacres. Ingabira's position has since been vindicated by the BBC documentary, "Rwanda's Untold Story," which relies on interviews with Gen. Kagame's former close associates to show that he also played a key role in instigating the massacres.
Mr. President, recently when the U.S., which remains Rwanda's principal backer, advised Gen. Kagame not to gut the constitution --he's run the country since he seized power in 1994-- he engineered a vote in which his rubber stamp parliament recommended that term limits be removed.
Yet, there are signs that the outside world now sees the true Gen. Kagame, who's been implicated in war crimes in the Congo in United Nations reports, and the assassination of political opponents, including Col. Patrick Karegeya, who had fled to South Africa.
As an indication that things may be changing, recently, on June 20, Kagame's chief of military intelligence, Gen. Emmanuel Karenzi Karake, was arrested while in London by Scotland Yard detectives. He had been indicted by a Spanish court for his role in the killings of Spanish relief workers who had denounced the massacre of civilians by Kagame's army, including during its occupation of Congo.
There are now increasing calls that Gen. Kagame should face international justice.
Other trouble spots in Africa include South Sudan, now gripped in the most brutal war between autocrat Gen. Salva kiir and former vice president Gen. Riek Machar. Each side has reportedly committed horrific crimes against women and children, including rapes and beheadings. So deep-seated is the animosity that a truly neutral international intervention force must be considered, to replace Uganda's army, which is fighting on Gen. Kiir's side.
Meanwhile, in Burundi, President Pierre Nkurunziza has sparked a crisis by running for a third presidential term. He was elected president in 2005 by parliament as part of a deal to end a bloody civil war fought along ethnic lines between Hutus and Tutsis. Nkurunziza was then elected by popular vote in 2010.
He's technically correct when he argues that Burundi's constitution allows for two presidential terms by popular mandate; and that he's eligible, since his first term was based on a parliamentary vote. Nkurunziza is, however, swimming against the historical currents and sentiments in Africa. People throughout the continent want regular transition of rulers.
Mr. President there have been hopeful signs on the continent over the past several months.
Last year when Blaise Compaore, Burkina Faso's dictator of 27 years tried to change the country's constitution to remove term limits, he was driven out of the country in a popular revolt. The country will now hold open elections later this year.
In Nigeria, political observers were pleasantly surprised when the country held relatively peaceful elections and the incumbent, Goodluck Jonathan handed over power when he was defeated. This week, you hosted the new president, Muhammadu Buhari, in the White House; he's renowned for his anti-corruption drives.
Mr. President, Kenya, the homeland of your late father, and the first destination on your trip, has endured turbulence, including disputed elections and several terrorist attacks by Somalia's al-Shabab, including at the Westgate Mall in 2013, with 67 deaths and the Garissa University massacre of 148 people in April.
However, Kenya's last election two years ago was relatively stable; and, while the losing candidate Raila Odinga may have had valid grounds to challenge the outcome, he took the high road and conceded to Uhuru Kenyatta.
Other African countries working to consolidate democratic governance include: Tanzania; Ghana; Liberia; Senegal; Botswana; Mozambique; Namibia; Zambia; Malawi; and a few others with varying degrees of accountable governance.
South Africa was born a democracy from the ashes of apartheid's monstrosities; yet, lack of social justice and wealth redistribution could generate upheaval.
Mr. President, this trend, bloodless transfers of political power, must be promoted so that it becomes a regular feature of Africa's political landscape.
Most of the countries that experience extreme political instability and violent turmoil have one thing in common; they're countries misgoverned by autocrats who deny entire generations of Africans the opportunity to contribute to growth and development of their countries.
Mr. President, in Accra, six years ago, you spoke for the entire continent and the young generation when you said "Africa's future is up to Africans."
That was the inspiration that drove African founding fathers like Kwame Nkrumah and Julius Nyerere to throw out colonial exploitators.
Mr. President, in Addis Ababa, you get to address all the African rulers again. You can build on the same message delivered in Accra on the need to rid the continent of autocrats.
Action must also match words. The U.S. must halt financial and military support to Africa's tyrants.
Either way, as the youth of Burkina Faso demonstrated in 2014, Africans will win their second Uhuru.

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-“The enemies of Freedom do not argue ; they shout and they shoot.”

The principal key root causes that lead to the Rwandan genocide of 1994 that affected all Rwandan ethnic groups were:

1)The majority Hutu community’s fear of the return of the discriminatory monarchy system that was practiced by the minority Tutsi community against the enslaved majority Hutu community for about 500 years

2)The Hutu community’s fear of Kagame’s guerrilla that committed massacres in the North of the country and other parts of the countries including assassinations of Rwandan politicians.

3) The Rwandan people felt abandoned by the international community ( who was believed to support Kagame’s guerrilla) and then decided to defend themselves with whatever means they had against the advance of Kagame’ guerrilla supported by Ugandan, Tanzanian and Ethiopian armies and other Western powers.

-“The enemies of Freedom do not argue ; they shout and they shoot.”

-“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

-“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

-“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.”

The Rwanda war of 1990-1994 had multiple dimensions.

The Rwanda war of 1990-1994 had multiple dimensions. Among Kagame’s rebels who were fighting against the Rwandan government, there were foreigners, mainly Ugandan fighters who were hired to kill and rape innocent Rwandan people in Rwanda and refugees in DRC.



United Kingdom's Proxy Wars in Africa: The Case of Rwanda and DR Congo:

The Rwandan genocide and 6,000,000 Congolese and Hutu refugees killed are the culminating point of a long UK’s battle to expand their influence to the African Great Lakes Region. UK supported Kagame’s guerrilla war by providing military support and money. The UK refused to intervene in Rwanda during the genocide to allow Kagame to take power by military means that triggered the genocide. Kagame’s fighters and their families were on the Ugandan payroll paid by UK budget support.

· 4 Heads of State assassinated in the francophone African Great Lakes Region.
· 2,000,000 people died in Hutu and Tutsi genocides in Rwanda, Burundi and RD.Congo.
· 600,000 Hutu refugees killed in R.D.Congo, Uganda, Central African Republic and Rep of Congo.
· 6,000,000 Congolese dead.
· 8,000,000 internal displaced people in Rwanda, Burundi and DR. Congo.
· 500,000 permanent Rwandan and Burundian Hutu refugees, and Congolese refugees around the world.
· English language expansion to Rwanda to replace the French language.
· 20,000 Kagame’s fighters paid salaries from the British Budget Support from 1986 to present.
· £500,000 of British taxpayer’s money paid, so far, to Kagame and his cronies through the budget support, SWAPs, Tutsi-dominated parliament, consultancy, British and Tutsi-owned NGOs.
· Kagame has paid back the British aid received to invade Rwanda and to strengthen his political power by joining the East African Community together with Burundi, joining the Commonwealth, imposing the English Language to Rwandans to replace the French language; helping the British to establish businesses and to access to jobs in Rwanda, and to exploit minerals in D.R.Congo.

Thousands of Hutu murdered by Kagame inside Rwanda, e.g. Kibeho massacres

Thousands of Hutu murdered by Kagame inside Rwanda, e.g. Kibeho massacres
Kagame killed 200,000 Hutus from all regions of the country, the elderly and children who were left by their relatives, the disabled were burned alive. Other thousands of people were killed in several camps of displaced persons including Kibeho camp. All these war crimes remain unpunished.The British news reporters were accompanying Kagame’s fighters on day-by-day basis and witnessed these massacres, but they never reported on this.


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25,000 Hutu bodies floated down River Akagera into Lake Victoria in Uganda.

25,000  Hutu bodies  floated down River Akagera into Lake Victoria in Uganda.
The British irrational, extremist, partisan,biased, one-sided media and politicians have disregarded Kagame war crimes e.g. the Kibeho camp massacres, massacres of innocents Hutu refugees in DR. Congo. The British media have been supporting Kagame since he invaded Rwanda by organising the propaganda against the French over the Rwandan genocide, suppressing the truth about the genocide and promoting the impunity of Kagame and his cronies in the African Great Lakes Region. For the British, Rwanda does not need democracy, Rwanda is the African Israel; and Kagame and his guerilla fighters are heroes.The extremist British news reporters including Fergal Keane, Chris Simpson, Chris McGreal, Mark Doyle, etc. continue to hate the Hutus communities and to polarise the Rwandan society.

Kagame political ambitions triggered the genocide.

Kagame  political  ambitions triggered the genocide.
Kagame’s guerrilla war was aimed at accessing to power at any cost. He rejected all attempts and advice that could stop his military adventures including the cease-fire, political negotiations and cohabitation, and UN peacekeeping interventions. He ignored all warnings that could have helped him to manage the war without tragic consequences. Either you supported Kagame’ s wars and you are now his friend, or you were against his wars and you are his enemy. Therefore, Kagame as the Rwandan strong man now, you have to apologise to him for having been against his war and condemned his war crimes, or accept to be labelled as having been involved in the genocide. All key Kagame’s fighters who committed war crimes and crimes against humanity are the ones who hold key positions in Rwandan army and government for the last 15 years. They continue to be supported and advised by the British including Tony Blair, Andrew Mitchell MP, and the British army senior officials.

Aid that kills: The British Budget Support financed Museveni and Kagame’s wars in Rwanda and DRC.

Aid that kills: The British Budget Support  financed Museveni and Kagame’s wars in Rwanda and DRC.
Genocide propaganda and fabrications are used by the so-called British scholars, news reporters and investigative journalists to promote their CVs and to get income out of the genocide through the selling of their books, providing testimonies against the French, access to consultancy contracts from the UN and Kagame, and participation in conferences and lectures in Rwanda, UK and internationally about genocide. Genocide propaganda has become a lucrative business for Kagame and the British. Anyone who condemned or did not support Kagame’s war is now in jail in Rwanda under the gacaca courts system suuported by British tax payer's money, or his/she is on arrest warrant if he/she managed to flee the Kagame’s regime. Others have fled the country and are still fleeing now. Many others Rwandans are being persecuted in their own country. Kagame is waiting indefinitely for the apologies from other players who warn him or who wanted to help to ensure that political negotiations take place between Kagame and the former government he was fighting against. Britain continues to supply foreign aid to Kagame and his cronies with media reports highlighting economic successes of Rwanda. Such reports are flawed and are aimed at misleading the British public to justify the use of British taxpayers’ money. Kagame and his cronies continue to milk British taxpayers’ money under the British budget support. This started from 1986 through the British budget support to Uganda until now.

Dictator Kagame: No remorse for his unwise actions and ambitions that led to the Rwandan genocide.

Dictator Kagame: No remorse for his unwise actions and ambitions that led to the  Rwandan genocide.
No apologies yet to the Rwandan people. The assassination of President Juvenal Habyarimana by Kagame was the only gateway for Kagame to access power in Rwanda. The British media, politicians, and the so-called British scholars took the role of obstructing the search for the truth and justice; and of denying this assassination on behalf of General Kagame. General Paul Kagame has been obliging the whole world to apologise for his mistakes and war crimes. The UK’s way to apologise has been pumping massive aid into Rwanda's crony government and parliement; and supporting Kagame though media campaigns.

Fanatical, partisan, suspicious, childish and fawning relations between UK and Kagame

Fanatical, partisan, suspicious, childish and fawning relations between UK and Kagame
Kagame receives the British massive aid through the budget support, British excessive consultancy, sector wide programmes, the Tutsi-dominated parliament, British and Tutsi-owned NGOs; for political, economic and English language expansion to Rwanda. The British aid to Rwanda is not for all Rwandans. It is for Kagame himself and his Tutsi cronies.

Paul Kagame' actvities as former rebel


UN News Centre - Africa

The Africa Report - Latest

IRIN - Great Lakes

This blog reports the crimes that remain unpunished and the impunity that has generated a continuous cycle of massacres in many parts of Africa. In many cases, the perpetrators of the crimes seem to have acted in the knowledge that they would not be held to account for their actions.

The need to fight this impunity has become even clearer with the massacres and genocide in many parts of Africa and beyond.

The blog also addresses issues such as Rwanda War Crimes, Rwandan Refugee massacres in Dr Congo, genocide, African leaders’ war crimes and crimes against humanity, Africa war criminals, Africa crimes against humanity, Africa Justice.

-The British relentless and long running battle to become the sole player and gain new grounds of influence in the francophone African Great Lakes Region has led to the expulsion of other traditional players from the region, or strained diplomatic relations between the countries of the region and their traditional friends. These new tensions are even encouraged by the British using a variety of political and economic manoeuvres.

-General Kagame has been echoing the British advice that Rwanda does not need any loan or aid from Rwandan traditional development partners, meaning that British aid is enough to solve all Rwandan problems.

-The British obsession for the English Language expansion has become a tyranny that has led to genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, dictatorial regimes, human rights violations, mass killings, destruction of families, communities and cultures, permanent refugees and displaced persons in the African Great Lakes region.

- Rwanda, a country that is run by a corrupt clique of minority-tutsi is governed with institutional discrmination, human rights violations, dictatorship, authoritarianism and autocracy, as everybody would expect.