Public Protest in London In front of the Department for International Development To request Immediate Release of Victoire Ingabire and other Rwandan Political Prisoners, or otherwise stop UK aid to Paul Kagame's regime Friday 26/11/10 from 12.00 am to 3.00 pm Department for International Development DfID 1 Palace Street London SW1E 5HE The objectives of the protest are: · to request from UK, EU, US to put pressure on Paul Kagame, president of Rwanda, to open up Rwandan political space, to free all political prisoners including Victoire Ingabire, Chair of FDU-Inkingi, to form a Transitional Government of National Unity including the real political opposition which would aim at preparing Free and Fair Elections, to set up a Truth and Reconciliation Commission ·to request justice from the UN by setting up an International Criminal Tribunal for Congo (ICTC) to investigate and prosecute perpetrators of war crimes, crimes against humanity and acts of genocide committed by the Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA) and Alliance des Forces Democratiques de Liberation (AFDL) between 1993 and 2003 in the Democratic Republic of Congo The memory of a relative or a compatriot Rwandan or Congolese or Burundian who were victim of war crimes, crimes against humanity and acts of genocide is calling you to come out and claim justice. We are highly indebted to the millions of men, women and children from all ethnic groups who died in the Democratic Republic of Congo because of war from 1993 up today. It is also our shared humanity we promote by speaking out for the millions of voiceless men, women and children all ethnic groups inclusively who are continuously being oppressed in Rwanda. You are cordially invited to join us. Please also tell friends and other people you know. Coordination Ambrose Nzeyimana Organising for Africa Mobile: 07982114446 Email: |
News and Information about Africa issues and problems, Human Rights Abuses, Unpunished War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity in Africa, UK's Policy in Africa and UK-Africa Politics and Foreign Relations, e.g. UK's Proxy Wars in Africa: The Case of Rwanda and D.R. Congo.
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- Rwanda genocide anniversary: Harrowing photos of 1994's 100-day mass slaughter
The dictator Kagame at UN

Dictators like Kagame who have changed their national constitutions to remain indefinitely on power should not be involved in UN high level and global activities including chairing UN meetings
Why has the UN ignored its own report about the massacres of Hutu refugees in DRC ?
The UN has ignored its own reports, NGOs and media reports about the massacres of hundreds of thousands of Hutu in DRC Congo (estimated to be more than 400,000) by Kagame when he attacked Hutu refugee camps in Eastern DRC in 1996. This barbaric killings and human rights violations were perpetrated by Kagame’s RPF with the approval of UK and USA and with sympathetic understanding and knowledge of UNHCR and international NGOs which were operating in the refugees camps. According to the UN, NGO and media reports between 1993 and 2003 women and girls were raped. Men slaughtered. Refugees killed with machetes and sticks. The attacks of refugees also prevented humanitarian organisations to help many other refugees and were forced to die from cholera and other diseases. Other refugees who tried to return to Rwanda where killed on their way by RFI and did not reach their homes. No media, no UNHCR, no NGO were there to witness these massacres. When Kagame plans to kill, he makes sure no NGO and no media are prevent. Kagame always kills at night.
17 Nov 2010
Rwanda: Public Protest in London at UK Department for International Development
Genocide against Hutus in Congo
On 4 February 2002, a Rwandese delegation comprising General James Kabarebe, Deputy Chief of Staff and now acting Chief of Staff of the Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA), Major Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa, special adviser to the Rwandan dictator General Paul Kagame and Mr. Jean de Dieu Mucyo, Rwandan Minister of Justice, and other officials arrived in Washington on an official visit. General James Kabarebe, along with General Paul Kagame and other members of their inner circle are responsible of numerous and still unpunished acts of genocide against Hutus, war crimes, crimes against peace and humanity committed by the RPA in Rwanda since October 1990 and Democratic Republic of Congo since August 1996. They are also allegedly linked to international criminal networks active in the black market in arms, diamonds, gold and other forms of wealth which continue to fuel wars in Africa. These international criminal syndicates supply them with all kinds of weaponry used in their massacres of civilians and they pay back with looted gems and other natural resources and wealth from territories illegally occupied by the RPA in eastern Congo. In a letter to the Bush administration dated 9 February 2002, the RDR urges the US government to impose an arms embargo on Rwanda, refuse entry visas to war crimes suspects on power in Rwanda, cut financial and diplomatic support to the dictatorial regime of Gen. Paul Kagame and extend the mandate of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda to crimes committed in Rwanda and Congo after 1994 or create an International Criminal Tribunal for the DR Congo. In fact, apart from concluding to the genocide of Tutsis in territories under governmental control after the assassination of President Juvenal Habyarimana on 6 April 1994, the U.N. Commission of Experts also clearly concluded in its preliminary and final reports that individuals from both sides to the armed conflict in Rwanda had committed war crimes and crimes against humanity during the period from 6 April 1994 to 15 July 1994. For the perpetrators of those crimes, the Special Rapporteur of the UN Commission on Human Rights clearly identified the then "Rwandese State authorities", overthrown by the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) in July 1994, and "RPF organs, particularly those in charge of military operations." At the time these horrendous crimes were being committed, Major Theogene Rudasingwa was RPF Secretary General and Gen. James Kabarebe was the Commanding Officer of the Republican Guard of Gen. Paul Kagame, RPF's military leader. Impunity still enjoyed by General James Kabarebe, Major Dr, Theoneste Rudasingwa, General Paul Kagame and other RPF/RPA members of their inner circle has encouraged them to extend their crimes to DR Congo. During the first Congolese war in 1996-1997 which ended by the overthrow of the dictatorial regime of Mobutu Sese Seko, the RPA was allied with Laurent Desire Kabila's rebellion and Commander James Kabarebe, then Colonel, was the Chief of RPA's military operations in Congo. More than 200 000 Rwandan civilian Hutu refugees, mostly women, children and elderly, had been massacred in eastern Congo by RPA units under his direct control and command. In its Presidential Statement of 13 July 1998, the UN Security Council condemned these crimes and urged the governments of Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo to prosecute those responsible. Until now, no lone military or political leader has been prosecuted for these massacres. The second war erupted in DR Congo in August 1998 when President Laurent Desire Kabila ordered Rwandan military advisers out of Congo. Considering Congo as their Ali Baba's cave, Rwandan troops refused to leave Congo when ordered to do so. Colonel James Kabarebe hijacked planes he used to airlift troops from eastern Congo to western Congo in order to take Kinshasa. This objective failed because of the intervention of the Angolan, Zimbabwean and Namibian armies on Kabila's side. Defeated Rwandan and Ugandan troops retreated then in eastern Congo where they created various surrogate Congolese "rebel movements". According to the results of a mortality survey conducted by the International Rescue Committee ( released in May 2001, 2,5 million Congolese civilians have died in illegally occupied territories as a result of war imposed upon the Congolese people by aggressor countries. A country at war against terrorism has a moral responsibility to sever its relations with the Kigali government controlled by RPF/RPA war crimes suspects linked to international merchants of war. On Sunday, December 30, 2001, the Washington Post published on page A01 an article with the title "Digging up Congo's Dirty Germs. Officials Say Diamond Trade Funds Radical Islamic Groups ". According to the article, "authorities in Antwerp - where more than 90 percent of the world diamonds are bought, sold, polished or cut - estimate that about $600 million in diamonds are exported annually from Congo but that only about $180 million worth of the stones are exported legally." On Monday, February 11, 2002, the Belgian daily Le Soir published an article in french with the title "Les talibans armés au départ d'Ostende". The article reveals the existence of a file in the Belgian Military Intelligence Service (SGR) on the arms dealer Mr. Victor Anatolievitsh Bout, former member of the Russian Special Forces. According to the file and the article, Mr. Victor Bout had supplied around 40 tons of arms worth $ 50 millions to talibans in 1996. Four Bulgarians linked to him had already been arrested in Belgium on Friday, February 8, 2002. Mr. Victor Bout is alleged to be hiding in Kigali, Rwanda. Mr. Victor Bout is cited in United Nations reports among the main sanctions busters who supplied arms to the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) and the Revolutionary United Front in Sierra Leone in violation of UN arms and gems embargoes on the two rebel groups. The weapons are paid back with diamonds, gold, timber and other natural resources. The Rwandan General James Kabarebe and other other RPF/RPA leaders in the inner circle of the Rwandan dictator General Paul Kagame are associated with Victor Bout in the plundering of Congolese natural resources and other forms of wealth. This is particularly corroborated by many witnesses and confirmed by the "UN Report on the illegal exploitation of natural resources and other forms of wealth of the Democratic Republic of the Congo", New York, 12 Aprill 2001, § 91: "First, Ali Hussein, who plays a major role in diamond and gold deals in Bukavu and Kisangani. Those who have dealt with him in the past have mentioned the presence of a Rwandan national during commercial negotiations. There are indications that the Rwandan citizen attending the meetings is a civil servant working in the President's office in Kigali. Second is Colonel James Kabarebe, who is the RPA facilitator for some deals. According to some sources he has been in contact with Victor Butt [or Bout] for the lease of an Ilyushin 76 that served to carry coltan from the Democratic Republic of the Congo to Kigali. He is said to be a partner to Mohamed Ali Salem, manager of the company Global Mineral. This company is involved in coltan purchasing in Bukavu and Goma. Third, Tibere Rujigiro, member of RPF, who is considered to be one of the main money providers to the party during the 1990-1994 war. He is a major shareholder in Tristar Investment, a company equally close to RPF. He is said to be also involved in the tobacco business." Territories held by the Rwandan-backed "rebels" in eastern Congo are free-trade zones for the financing of various international criminal cartels believed linked to terrorist organisations. To dry funds from illicit trade of arms, conflict diamonds, etc., the RDR urges the US government and other democratic countries to sever relations with Gen. Paul Kagame, use their influence and power to end the illegal occupation of eastern Congo and the exploitation of its natural resources and other forms of wealth by Rwanda and Uganda. |
13 Nov 2010
Rwanda: Ingabire Refused Bail
Radio Netherlands Worldwide
12 November 2010
Victoire Ingabire was refused bail on Friday by the Rwandan High Court in Kigali on the grounds of being a security threat to the Rwandan state. After a heated debate between public prosecutor Bonavanture Ruberwa and Ingabire’s legal team, led by lawyer Gatera Gashabana, Judge Johnston Busingye ruled that she had to stay in prison.
According to the public prosecutor, there are new factors in her case that demand Victoire Ingabire to stay in custody. “We are very happy with this verdict, because there are new developments in the case.” Ruberwa said. “We are preparing the final file on her case. I expect that we can send it to the court on Sunday”. The prosecutor would not say what the new evidence is.
Ingabire’s husband Lin Muyizere is devastated by the ruling: “I expected that she would be released today, this is an enormous blow.” According to Muyizere, today’s ruling is another episode in a political trial that Ingabire has to go through. “It is so harsh on us, I don’t know what to do. I have to stay close to my children now.”
Victoire Ingabire was transported back to prison following the verdict, Muyizere did not have a chance to talk to his wife. “I try to communicate with her through her lawyer”, he told Radio Netherlands.
Budget Support
Meanwhile the Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs Uri Rosenthal is not yet willing to cut development aid to Rwanda because of the Victoire Ingabire trial. An additional factor may well be the assertions made in the UN report on Rwandan involvement in the violation of human rights in East Congo. According to a departmental statement obtained by Radio Netherlands, Rosenthal is willing to debate specific types of direct budget support, meaning money that is received directly by the Rwandan government. A final decision on whether the Netherlands will continue funding the Rwandan government is expected before the foreign affairs budget hearings in mid-December.
After Radio Netherlands reported the arrest of Rwandan opposition leader Victoire Ingabire, MP’s Dijkhoff (VVD) and El Fassed (GroenLinks) requested clarification from Rosenthal on the Dutch stand in the Ingabire trial. They are concerned about her right to a fair hearing. Both MPs have asked if Dutch embassy staff in Kigali could assist Ingabire with the case against her. But according to Rosenthal, since Victoire Ingabire is not a Dutch citizen, consular aid is limited to physical presence in the court room.
“The Rwandan rule of law fulfils most international standards and is fully independent” Rosenthal states. However, he regards the repeated commentary on the case by Rwandan government officials as "worrisome". Rosenthal confirmed he will express his concern to the Rwandan government, together with other donor countries. Since the publication of the UN Report about war crimes committed against Hutus in East Congo, there has been more international pressure on the Rwandan government to reform.
In a private meeting in The Hague on Tuesday, a Rwandan delegation of diplomats and politicians tried to convince several Dutch MP’s that a budget support reduction is not advisable. But according to sources who attended the meeting, the delegation did not succeed in changing their minds. “The Ingabire trial was the final straw for me”, a source says. “We should stop handing the Kagame government any more aid money.” MP Joël Voordewind, who was also present at the meeting, didn’t change his opinion either: “I didn’t hear any new reason to throw my support behind the renewal of this direct budget aid.”
Related Materials:
Against all odds, the High Court denies bail to Ms.Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza
DRC: Mapping human rights violations 1993-2003
Ingabire's High Court Hearing: The prosecutor’s evidence was fake
Foreign aid for dictators
10 Nov 2010
ACCORDING TO WITNESS Arusha, November 09, 2010 (FH) - Former close Protection Officer for Rwandan President Paul Kagame alleged before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) Tuesday that President of Interahamwe militia of the ruling MRND party in 1994, Robert Kajuga worked for the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) now in power in Kigali.
‘'It is not only Kajuga who worked for the RPF but there were many others from the government.'' Aloys Ruyenzi, former close protection officer to President Kagame told the court in the defence case of the former MRND President, Mathieu Ngirumpatse.
When asked by Don Webster, the Prosecuting counsel to say more about Kajuga, Ruyenzi responded ‘'he was Tutsi working for the RPF to kill members of the population.''
Earlier during examination in chief by defence co-counsel, Frédéric Weyl, the witness explained ‘'RPF did not care to kill members of the population when they infiltrated Kigali town.''
He told the court that members of the RPF were sent to Kigali town to infiltrate into the population, at roadblocks and in the public transport where they carried out killings against the population in a bid to hold power by force.
‘'All the crimes perpetrated by RPF were attributed to the Rwanda government. They were people who lived and worked with me and when they come back from missions they would tell me about the killings they committed,'' Ruyenzi explained.
The trial continues Wednesday.
Ngirumpatse and his co-accused, former MRND vice-president Edouard Karemera, are charged mainly with crimes allegedly committed by members of their party and Interahamwe militiamen of their youth wing.
© Hirondelle News Agency
Kagame, Bashir: Birds of the same feather…
-“The enemies of Freedom do not argue ; they shout and they shoot.”
The principal key root causes that lead to the Rwandan genocide of 1994 that affected all Rwandan ethnic groups were:
1)The majority Hutu community’s fear of the return of the discriminatory monarchy system that was practiced by the minority Tutsi community against the enslaved majority Hutu community for about 500 years
2)The Hutu community’s fear of Kagame’s guerrilla that committed massacres in the North of the country and other parts of the countries including assassinations of Rwandan politicians.
3) The Rwandan people felt abandoned by the international community ( who was believed to support Kagame’s guerrilla) and then decided to defend themselves with whatever means they had against the advance of Kagame’ guerrilla supported by Ugandan, Tanzanian and Ethiopian armies and other Western powers.
-“The enemies of Freedom do not argue ; they shout and they shoot.”
-“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”
-“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”
-“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.”
The Rwanda war of 1990-1994 had multiple dimensions.
The Rwanda war of 1990-1994 had multiple dimensions. Among Kagame’s rebels who were fighting against the Rwandan government, there were foreigners, mainly Ugandan fighters who were hired to kill and rape innocent Rwandan people in Rwanda and refugees in DRC.
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The Rwandan genocide and 6,000,000 Congolese and Hutu refugees killed are the culminating point of a long UK’s battle to expand their influence to the African Great Lakes Region. UK supported Kagame’s guerrilla war by providing military support and money. The UK refused to intervene in Rwanda during the genocide to allow Kagame to take power by military means that triggered the genocide. Kagame’s fighters and their families were on the Ugandan payroll paid by UK budget support.
· 4 Heads of State assassinated in the francophone African Great Lakes Region.
· 2,000,000 people died in Hutu and Tutsi genocides in Rwanda, Burundi and RD.Congo.
· 600,000 Hutu refugees killed in R.D.Congo, Uganda, Central African Republic and Rep of Congo.
· 6,000,000 Congolese dead.
· 8,000,000 internal displaced people in Rwanda, Burundi and DR. Congo.
· 500,000 permanent Rwandan and Burundian Hutu refugees, and Congolese refugees around the world.
· English language expansion to Rwanda to replace the French language.
· 20,000 Kagame’s fighters paid salaries from the British Budget Support from 1986 to present.
· £500,000 of British taxpayer’s money paid, so far, to Kagame and his cronies through the budget support, SWAPs, Tutsi-dominated parliament, consultancy, British and Tutsi-owned NGOs.
· Kagame has paid back the British aid received to invade Rwanda and to strengthen his political power by joining the East African Community together with Burundi, joining the Commonwealth, imposing the English Language to Rwandans to replace the French language; helping the British to establish businesses and to access to jobs in Rwanda, and to exploit minerals in D.R.Congo.
Thousands of Hutu murdered by Kagame inside Rwanda, e.g. Kibeho massacres

Kagame killed 200,000 Hutus from all regions of the country, the elderly and children who were left by their relatives, the disabled were burned alive. Other thousands of people were killed in several camps of displaced persons including Kibeho camp. All these war crimes remain unpunished.The British news reporters were accompanying Kagame’s fighters on day-by-day basis and witnessed these massacres, but they never reported on this.
Download Documents from Amnesty International
25,000 Hutu bodies floated down River Akagera into Lake Victoria in Uganda.

The British irrational, extremist, partisan,biased, one-sided media and politicians have disregarded Kagame war crimes e.g. the Kibeho camp massacres, massacres of innocents Hutu refugees in DR. Congo. The British media have been supporting Kagame since he invaded Rwanda by organising the propaganda against the French over the Rwandan genocide, suppressing the truth about the genocide and promoting the impunity of Kagame and his cronies in the African Great Lakes Region. For the British, Rwanda does not need democracy, Rwanda is the African Israel; and Kagame and his guerilla fighters are heroes.The extremist British news reporters including Fergal Keane, Chris Simpson, Chris McGreal, Mark Doyle, etc. continue to hate the Hutus communities and to polarise the Rwandan society.
Kagame political ambitions triggered the genocide.

Kagame’s guerrilla war was aimed at accessing to power at any cost. He rejected all attempts and advice that could stop his military adventures including the cease-fire, political negotiations and cohabitation, and UN peacekeeping interventions. He ignored all warnings that could have helped him to manage the war without tragic consequences. Either you supported Kagame’ s wars and you are now his friend, or you were against his wars and you are his enemy. Therefore, Kagame as the Rwandan strong man now, you have to apologise to him for having been against his war and condemned his war crimes, or accept to be labelled as having been involved in the genocide. All key Kagame’s fighters who committed war crimes and crimes against humanity are the ones who hold key positions in Rwandan army and government for the last 15 years. They continue to be supported and advised by the British including Tony Blair, Andrew Mitchell MP, and the British army senior officials.
Aid that kills: The British Budget Support financed Museveni and Kagame’s wars in Rwanda and DRC.

Genocide propaganda and fabrications are used by the so-called British scholars, news reporters and investigative journalists to promote their CVs and to get income out of the genocide through the selling of their books, providing testimonies against the French, access to consultancy contracts from the UN and Kagame, and participation in conferences and lectures in Rwanda, UK and internationally about genocide. Genocide propaganda has become a lucrative business for Kagame and the British. Anyone who condemned or did not support Kagame’s war is now in jail in Rwanda under the gacaca courts system suuported by British tax payer's money, or his/she is on arrest warrant if he/she managed to flee the Kagame’s regime. Others have fled the country and are still fleeing now. Many others Rwandans are being persecuted in their own country. Kagame is waiting indefinitely for the apologies from other players who warn him or who wanted to help to ensure that political negotiations take place between Kagame and the former government he was fighting against. Britain continues to supply foreign aid to Kagame and his cronies with media reports highlighting economic successes of Rwanda. Such reports are flawed and are aimed at misleading the British public to justify the use of British taxpayers’ money. Kagame and his cronies continue to milk British taxpayers’ money under the British budget support. This started from 1986 through the British budget support to Uganda until now.
Dictator Kagame: No remorse for his unwise actions and ambitions that led to the Rwandan genocide.

No apologies yet to the Rwandan people. The assassination of President Juvenal Habyarimana by Kagame was the only gateway for Kagame to access power in Rwanda. The British media, politicians, and the so-called British scholars took the role of obstructing the search for the truth and justice; and of denying this assassination on behalf of General Kagame. General Paul Kagame has been obliging the whole world to apologise for his mistakes and war crimes. The UK’s way to apologise has been pumping massive aid into Rwanda's crony government and parliement; and supporting Kagame though media campaigns.
Fanatical, partisan, suspicious, childish and fawning relations between UK and Kagame

Kagame receives the British massive aid through the budget support, British excessive consultancy, sector wide programmes, the Tutsi-dominated parliament, British and Tutsi-owned NGOs; for political, economic and English language expansion to Rwanda. The British aid to Rwanda is not for all Rwandans. It is for Kagame himself and his Tutsi cronies.

Paul Kagame' actvities as former rebel
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This blog reports the crimes that remain unpunished and the impunity that has generated a continuous cycle of massacres in many parts of Africa. In many cases, the perpetrators of the crimes seem to have acted in the knowledge that they would not be held to account for their actions.
The need to fight this impunity has become even clearer with the massacres and genocide in many parts of Africa and beyond.
The blog also addresses issues such as Rwanda War Crimes, Rwandan Refugee massacres in Dr Congo, genocide, African leaders’ war crimes and crimes against humanity, Africa war criminals, Africa crimes against humanity, Africa Justice.
-General Kagame has been echoing the British advice that Rwanda does not need any loan or aid from Rwandan traditional development partners, meaning that British aid is enough to solve all Rwandan problems.
-The British obsession for the English Language expansion has become a tyranny that has led to genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, dictatorial regimes, human rights violations, mass killings, destruction of families, communities and cultures, permanent refugees and displaced persons in the African Great Lakes region.
- Rwanda, a country that is run by a corrupt clique of minority-tutsi is governed with institutional discrmination, human rights violations, dictatorship, authoritarianism and autocracy, as everybody would expect.