
10 Apr 2012

Fw: *DHR* Gerald Gahima: “Root Causes of Conflict Must be Addressed”


Gerald Gahima: "Root Causes of Conflict Must be Addressed"
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Gerald Gahima: "Root Causes of Conflict Must be Addressed"
MONDAY, 09 APRIL 2012 15:32
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As Rwanda commemorates 18 years since the genocide that claimed the lives of some 800,000 people, a former Rwanda chief prosecutor has warned that the likelihood of renewed conflict, even conflict along sectarian lines, is very real in Rwanda.
Gerald Gahima said the Rwandan society has the challenge of ensuring that violence like that experienced in the past does not recur.
"Today, I believe that violence is almost inevitable if there is no political change in Rwanda, said Gahima who also served as Vice president of the Rwanda Supreme court.
He said a lot of innocent people were killed and that should never have happened. "Things like these [genocide] should be avoided at all costs in our country's future."
Gahima lamented the lack of reconciliation in the east African country, saying it is still a very contentious issue. "The government would like people to believe that there has been full reconciliation," he said, "but reconciliation is a long term process."
The prerequisite of reconciliation, he added, is that people who have previously been in conflict sit together   and discuss the root causes of the conflict and agree on how to build a common future. But in the opinion of many outside the government, Rwanda still has a long way to go in terms of reconciliation.
What has happened in terms of Rwandese Patriotic Front (RPF), he said, is that "RPF has imposed its own narrative of the past and its position on the future without sitting down with people who oppose it to discuss these issues."
Gahima said there is still a great deal of resentment in Rwanda, for example, about violence that was committed against members of the Hutu community which is not acknowledged by the state, and the victims of those crimes are not allowed to commemorate the way genocide is commemorated.
The genocide, he said, "is a historical fact; it happened, it was planned, it was organized, carried out, and hundreds of thousands of people died as a result of it."
The problem, though, he continued, is that the government of Rwanda sometimes accuses people of being genocide deniers just because they raise other issues such as the violence and atrocities that were committed against the Hutu community that is not acknowledged.
"The two issues should be separated and the victims of those crimes should be allowed to remember their dead."
Gahima acknowledged that although some justice has been served, there has been some injustice where some innocent people   have been held for long periods of time for crimes they may never have committed. "Our legal system never really had the capacity to deal with such a large number of cases."
"I don't want genocide to happen," he emphasized, but added: "we've not addressed the root causes of conflict in our society."
The causes of the conflict that led to the genocide, Gahima said, such as "a repressive government, monopoly of political power by one party, the use of violence against political opponents, all these are issues still present in modern Rwanda."
In Rwanda's capital, Kigali, President Paul Kagame lit a flame of remembrance at the memorial that will burn for 100 days, marking the length of the time during which the tragedy's victims lost their lives
All of Rwanda's schools, sports arenas, nightclubs and other entertainment outlets will be closed for a week. Everyone is expected to use the time to reflect on what happened in the country 18 years ago.
Source: Douglas Mpuga
2 hours ago
its unfortunate that at a time like this, space can be given to such deceitful commentary.everyone who knows or cares to take the time to understand Mr. Gahima's background will know he has a clear political agenda. In Rwanda it is known by everyone that he has committed serious crimes stemming from greed that he couldnt curb-and was incensed that he could be held accountable for them.This is his source for discrediting the Rwandan govt led by RPF that he was once a senior cadre in.its hard to take anything he says seriously at all, knowing this background. As for Rwanda and reconciliation-no one will say the nation can completely heal and reconcile after a short 18 yrs - the horrific genocide and the years or violent pogroms that preceded it, and the rancid leadership and state of affairs that allowed such an atmosphere will take a while to recover from.But the progress is amazing-Rwandans from all backgrounds are working together,talking over the painful past,rebuilding the nation and dreaming bold plans for the country and next generation.The miracle that anyone who comes to Rwanda will see (even begrudgingly) cannot have been achieved without the nation being involved-being on board. What Mr. Gahima talks about is a Rwanda created by his wishful thinking, because that is one where he would flourish. The real Rwanda is too busy moving ahead to have space or time for him and his associates.
Activités récentes: Maître Innocent  TWAGIRAMUNGU DHR FOUNDER&OWNER Té 0032- 495 48 29 21 UT UNUM SINT "L'extrémisme dans la défense de la liberté n'est pas un vice; La modération dans la poursuite de la justice n'est pas une vertu". "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice; moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue." (USA,Republican Convention 1964,Barry Morris Goldwater (1909-1998)). "Le monde ne sera pas détruit par ceux qui font le mal mais par ceux qui regardent et refusent d'agir", Albert EINSTEIN. Les messages publiés sur DHR n'engagent que la responsabilité de leurs auteurs. CONSIDERATION, TOLERANCE, PATIENCE AND MUTUAL RESPECT towards the reinforcement of GOOD GOVERNANCE,DEMOCRACY and HUMAN RIGHTS in our states. Liability and Responsibility: You are legally responsible, and solely responsible, for any content that you post to DHR. You may only post materials that you have the right or permission to distribute electronically. The owner of DHR cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy of any statements made in or materials posted to the group by participants. " BE NICE TO PEOPLE ON YOUR WAY UP, BECAUSE YOU MIGHT MEET THEM ON YOUR WAY DOWN." Jimmy DURANTE. COMBATTONS la haine SANS complaisance, PARTOUT et avec Toute ENERGIE!!!!!! Let's  rather prefer Peace, Love , Hope and Life, and get together as one!!! Inno TWAGIRA

9 Apr 2012

Fw: Remembering Habyarimana’s tragic end: How the United States all along knew exactly what happened

Remembering Habyarimana's tragic end:  How the United States all along knew exactly what happened
The way the British and American  Media and politicians have been supporting  Paul Kagame of Rwanda during and after  genocide demonstrates that they were involved in the preparations of the Rwandan genocide through the assassination of former President Habyarimana of Rwanda.